Monday, May 21, 2012

Are the hills really alive? Salzburg!

I couldn't possibly say I have lived in Austria without having gone to Salzburg! With limited time and means left I decided to go just for one night for a quick taste trip.
We left at a leisurely time on Friday afternoon and breathed the warm fresh air of the countryside of Salzburg.
The hill where we stayed
A view of Salzburg

Best tour guide ever! He even photo bombed!

To say that Salzburg is incredibly gorgeous is a bit of an understatement. No matter the weather or season this city with a small town feel is a place that I would go back to for an extended period of time. All we managed on this short weekend trip was the famous Sound of Music tour and some wanderings in the city.
I am sixteen going on seventeen....oh wait
A lake that was featured, yay!

While the tour was hokey, it gave us an excellent view of the countryside and a resolve to come back for a more in depth tour of Salzburg ( and maybe sing to the hills to keep them alive).

It began to rain after the tour, and so we made a quick go around of the old town, including Mozart's birth house.

Me and my travel buddy, Julian

Life goal: Live here

After a hearty meal of the traditional Austrian variety and a beer, we hopped back on the train to Vienna. What a lovely little adventure!

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