Saturday, November 26, 2011

The B series! 2. The Butcher

So this mini adventure started because I needed to get some meat for my contribution to the American Thanksgiving dinner our group was putting on. Therefore I grabbed my apartment mate Justin and went into the neighborhood in search of a Dibiterie (butcher) to get some mouton (sheep). Sooner then expected, Justin and I found a small hole in the wall Dibi. 

I asked for mouton (I am sorry, but I have to call it mouton instead of sheep because these sheep look NOTHING like American sheep, they will forever be mouton to me) and he promptly pulled out a leg from the freezer and asked if that would be good. I agreed, and then we haggled a bit over how much I would get-1.5 kilos-, and he smiled when he realized that we could understand a bit of Wolof (as he didn’t speak any real French, this was a little bit of a challenging interaction). 

I was under the impression that we would just buy the meat fresh, and I could prepare it as I wanted at home later on. However, he began to salt it and stick it into the fire that he had going, ready to grill it for me! I stopped him, and asked to have it fresh, which confused him and he washed it and put it back on the grill. 

Justin convinced me not to fight what he was doing, and just let him prepare it for me. The assistant came and sat next to us as we waited, wearing at-shirt that read “Just Another SEXY Bald Guy”, which was ironic as he was in fact bald. So there we sat in the Dibi, two white Americans and the Senegalese with no clue as to what his t-shirt implied, watching the butcher grill a smoky scent into the mouton, letting the delicious smell waft past us and out the open door. Then the butcher chopped up some onions and put them with the meat to grill as well. Finally he packaged it all up and added some spicy sauce and mustard. Really, for $11, this was quite the deal, I can see another mouton dinner in my future. 

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