Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Walejam Kedougou!

Just like the last village stay, I cannot express in words what I would like to say about this amazing and wonderful place. We spent the first couple days in Kedougou (which is a 14 hour bus ride from Dakar) staying at a hotel, doing some fabulous hiking in the "mountains" of Senegal. After that we spent several days in various villages, about 3 Americans per village. These are pictures from those experiences, I hope you can get an idea from these photos why I  feel that the heart of Senegal lies in the villages.
Gambia River
Sheep on the roof! For Tabaski
On the way to the trail head
Our destination, Lion King moment!

Chute d'eau= water fall

Termite hill

My friend Erica at the waterfall

View from my room in the homestay
the addiction of Senegal: Tea!

My village survives on corn, can you tell?

Kathleen and I with our host mom

The Chief's compound, my home

Some of the children of the family

Teaching them the Macarana

On a river walk with my brother, Kindi

After getting my hair done with Kathleen and Kayla

Kindi demonstrating how to use the government installed water pump

Making dinner

At the largest Baobab in Senegal

Moi and my tour guide up the "mountain"

Well, through pictures, that was my experience in Kedougou and the village of the Peoul-Fouta.  I hope that I will remember this for the rest of my life.